MCCC Happenings Newsletter August 2022

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    August 2022

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How to Succeed in College

library如果你是MCCC的新学生,欢迎你,如果你是继续学习的学生,欢迎你回来.  秋季学期的第一天对一年中剩下的时间起着不可或缺的作用. Here are a few suggestions to start the year off right.

  1. Take the time to get to know your faculty. 你的老师是你成功的最佳资源,他们希望你成功.  No one knows how to succeed in a course better than the professor. All faculty have office hours; utilize this time to introduce yourself, ask questions and find out more about their professions.
  2. Get involved, join a club, participate in college activities, and form a study group. 研究表明,积极参与校园活动的学生更有可能在课堂上取得成功.
  3. Develop a plan to succeed. Schedule study times and stick to them. MCCC投入了大量资金,以确保你有很好的学习和工作的地方.
  4. Don’t miss class. 这里的规则很简单,不缺课的学生往往比缺课的学生做得更好. 如果你确实错过了一节课,在课前通知你的老师,并讨论你需要做什么.    
  5. Get to know your fellow students, and make friends. 在校园交朋友的学生往往更有动力,得到更多的社会和学术支持. 
  6. Do not wait until you are in trouble to get help. Make regular appointments in our Student Success Center. MCCC offers free tutoring and skills help for all students. 

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Campbell Academic Center Opens

Groundbreaking of Campbell Center

8月24日,学生们将在新改建的坎贝尔学术中心开始上课, the first day of Fall Semester.  

Among the updates are the addition of numerous student study rooms and collaboration spaces; physical and technological improvements to classrooms, including the addition of an active learning classroom and computer lab; the addition of a writing lab, student media lab and an art gallery for students and the public; a transformation of the library into an expanded Learning Resources Center that creatively merges access to traditional library services with media and instructional support, as well as collaborative learning spaces; a renovation of the building’s small theater, and the addition of new entryways, exterior seating “walls” and outdoor gathering areas.

With the renovation, the facility now has 53,279 square feet of space, an increase of 1,015 square feet, all of which was added to the first floor. The project cost $11.6 million, 所有这些都是由门罗县选民通过的维护和改善计划资助的.  

“新的坎贝尔学术中心是一个专门为学生和他们的成功而设计的设施,” Lynette Dowler, MCCC Board Chair, said. “它已经转变为一个协作学习和教育探索的中心,完全专注于当今学生的需求, as well as students of the future.”


 Stairwell in campbell

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Student Survey - Lunch on the quad or the atrium?

Monroe County Community College has a picturesque campus, which begs the question: Where’s the best place to have lunch? A survey was sent out to students to ask that very question. Two options were given: 1) The central campus mall area, or 2) The open-air courtyard in the Warrick Student Center

The central campus mall came in first with 17 votes.  The courtyard was close, with 15. 学生们决定他们更喜欢在山坡上野餐,原因不难理解. 

一定要尝试这两种方法,并将您的想法和未来的调查建议发送到 你的话题可能会被选为下个月的MCCC“时事通讯”.

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Help Wanted: Paid Student Assistant Positions Available

Need a convenient job while completing your degree? 平衡学习和工作是很困难的,但MCCC有一个解决方案. If you want a job that’s flexible and provides valuable, hands-on experience, becoming a student assistant may be the answer. 根据招聘部门的需要和学生的日程安排,学生助理每周最多可以工作20个小时. 

The basic guidelines to become a student assistant employee are:

  1. Enroll in a minimum of 6 credit hours for the current semester.
  2. Register with the Office of Workforce Development
  3. 登入书院中央查看学生助理职位.
  4. 填写在线学生助理申请表(在线或纸质副本).
  5. Drop it off to room 286 in the La-Z-Boy Center or email it to
  6. 申请将被转发到适当的部门或部门进行审查.
  7. Preference is given to Federal Work Study eligible applicants.

有关劳动力发展办公室的更多信息或如何注册的信息, 联系丽贝卡·富尼尔734-384-4243或巴里·金赛734-384-4124, email, or visit in person. 


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Interested in Joining the Honor Society for Two-year Colleges?

Phi Theta Kappa是一个为两年制高等教育机构指定的国际大学荣誉协会. More than 3.5 million students are members, 每一天都有越来越多的人加入到学习中来,以充分发挥他们的学术潜力. 会员享有多项福利,包括但不限于:

  • Scholarships
    • 高达9000万美元的奖学金,以帮助完成副学士学位, bachelor's and master's degrees
    • 获得全国近800所四年制学院和大学提供的4600万美元转学奖学金
    • Awards specifically for career-bound students, 包括一些涵盖认证考试费用的特定领域的机会
  • Recognition
    • Phi Theta Kappa Golden Key membership pin
    • Phi Theta Kappa Membership certificate
    • Recognition during chapter induction ceremony
    • Press release announcing your academic achievement
    • Letters of recommendation citing your membership
  • Member discounts
    • Dell
    • BetterHelp
    • National Car Rental
    • Enterprise Rent-A-Car
    • Bartleby
    • Lenovo
    • Hurst Review Services

To be eligible, students must maintain a 3.完成至少12小时的课程学习以获得副学士学位或至少6小时的课程学习以获得一年的证书. For more info, go to the Phi Theta Kappa 网站或联系杰拉尔德·麦卡蒂,MCCC的学生成功主任


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Not a strong writer? Try a writing fellow!

writing centerMCCC为学生提供免费的写作导师服务.

They are available to assist with writing projects, presentations and a variety of communications assignments. 学生可以在过程中的任何阶段(从头脑风暴到草稿)安排约会. 最好在预约时带上作业说明和所有相关的工作. 

To schedule an appointment, go to the MCCC tutoring webpage.

一些写作人员在创始人大厅工作,另一些则在网上辅导. 学生需要检查他们的学生电子邮件帐户,以收到预约确认和虚拟会议的Zoom链接. Appointments are typically 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Writing fellows look for revisions in organization, development, 支持和团结,并将建议如何正确地引用来源,以避免抄袭. 他们不校对,不纠正语法和拼写,也不重写论文. 学生全权负责作业的最终修改.

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Student Mental Health


mental health Ad


Coordination of the following services is provided:

  • Mental health screening
  • Referrals
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • Advocacy

Linking and coordination of the following resources are provided:

  • Counseling / Therapy
  • Health services
  • Financial Assistance
  • Housing
  • Social Services
  • Other services and natural supports

For info on how to access services and for hours, go to the MCCC Mental Health webpage

24-hour services/Crisis: Please call the Monroe Community Mental Health Authority. After-hours, on-call staff is available to respond to crisis. Call the toll-free crisis phone: 1-800-886-7340. TDD/TTY: 1-800-886-7340.

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